站点图标 久久日记本






create table Person1
 ID int not null identity(1,1) primary key,
 Name varchar(20),
 Age int,
 Sex char(2)

drop table person1

alter table person add birthday datetime
alter table person1 drop column Birthday



select ID,Name,Birthday,Salary from Person
select ID,Name,year(Birthday),Salary+10000 from Person
--select 后面的字段可以是表的字段,也可以是计算公式,还可以是方法等

select * from person
select * from person order by salary asc--desc降序,asc升序
select * from person order by classID asc,salary desc
select distinct salary from person--消除重复行
select distinct sex,salary from person

select * from person where ID = 5
select * from person where salary >= 3000
select * from person where sex != '女'
select * from person where sex <>'女'
select * from person where not ID=5--not表示取反

select * from person where salary between 1000 and 3000--包含两个边界值
select * from person where id in (2,4,6,8,10,100)

select * from person where name like 'hu%'--通配符%表示任意个任意的字符, _表示一个任意的字符
select * from person where name like '%hu%'

select * from person where  sex is null--查询 null值的数据用is

select * from person where classID=1 and sex='女' and birthday >'1985-1-1'
select * from person where classID=1 or sex='女' 
select * from person where  sex='女' and (birthday>'1985-1-1' or classID=1 )--and和or一起使用的时候,用()限定执行先后顺序

select max(salary) from person--最大值
select min(salary) from person--最小值
select avg(salary) from person--平均值
select sum(salary) from person--总和
select count(*) from person--取记录的数量

select count(*),classID
from person
group by classID

select classID
from person
where sex='女'--where用于限定所有的数据的条件
group by classID
having count(*)>=3--having用于限定分组内的条件,一般都只是聚合函数


update Person set
 salary = 3000.0
where id = 10



delete from Person
where id=9

注:2018-08-30 删除Person表中id等于9的数据,不论重复问题




--datetime:表示时间 yyyy-mm-dd HH:mi:ss(24h)
insert into Person(ID,Name,Sex,Birthday,Salary)



insert into Person(Name,Sex,Birthday,Salary)

insert into Person(Name,sex,birthday,salary)
select name,sex,birthday,salary from person where sex='女'

select * into Person2 from person